National Science Foundation
• NSF Funding search
• Antarctic Sciences now has two different calls:
Support for early scientists
• OPP Postdoc Program (updated solicitation NSF 22-635)
NSF opportunities for networking
• Research Coordinated Networks (RCN), NSF 17-594
• Accelerating Research through International Network-to-Network Collaborations (AccelNet, NSF 21-511)
NSF Major Instrumentation and Infrastructure
• Major research Instrumentation Program (MRI), NSF 18-513,1M to 4M, see also here.
• MidScale Infrastructure – 1 (MidScale RI-1), NSF 21-505, <20M
• MidScale Infrastructure – 2 (MidScale RI-2), NSF 21-537, 20M to 100M
Science and Technology centers
• Science and Technology Centers: Integrative Partnerships, NSF- 22-521, 44M- 47M
• Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific Innovation (CSSI)
• Elements Awards: These awards target small groups that will create and deploy robust services for which there is a demonstrated need, and that will advance one or more significant areas of science and
Engineering. Contact Allen Pope ([email protected]), Polar Cyberinfrastructure Program Director.
International Funding
• Classic collaboration with international partners, the collaboration is included in an NSF proposal, the international partner writes a letter of collaboration. The international partner is funded by their own
funding agency.
• NSF has established bi-lateral funding agreements:
• NSF/GEO – UK NERC opportunity for collaborative proposals (DCL 16-132)
• NSF-DFG opportunity for Molecular and Cellular Biology (DCL 22-015)
• Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE), OISE’s focuses on three activities: (1) promoting the development of a globally competent U.S. workforce, (2) facilitating and supporting international partnerships and networks to leverage NSF and foreign resources, and (3) providing opportunities for U.S. leadership to shape the global science and engineering agenda.
Projects: MULTIPLIER, PIRE, IRES, AccelNet
• Partnerships for international Research and Education (PIRE), NSF 22-546, 1.5M for 3 years, contact Paul Raterron
• Horizon Europe, 2021-2027
NSF Partnerships
• A Landscape Study
• Computer and information Science and Engineering (CISE): support advanced cyberinfrastructure that enables and accelerates discovery and innovation across all science and engineering disciplines;
international Partnerships
Deadline: 6 February 2023
• Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)
NASA Funding Search
Cryospheric Sciences
Biological Diversity & Ecological Conservation
Other Potential Funding
Antarctic Wildlife Research Fund
Lenfest Ocean Program
Pew Charitable Trust’s Protecting Antarctica’s Southern Ocean
Pew Marine Fellows
IAATO Antarctic Fellowship (early career focused)
CCAMLR Scientific Scholarship Scheme (early career focused)
SCAR (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research) Fellowship (early career focused)
SCAR Ant-ICON/SC-ATS science-policy fellowship programme (early to mid-career focused, fellow will attend CCAMLR or the Antarctic Treaty meeting with the SCAR delegation)
Potential Logistical Support
Schmidt Ocean Institute New Vessel (vessel time)
Rev Ocean (Vessel time and technical support)
IAATO (International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators) Science Support
Potential Coordination & Collaboration
Southern Ocean United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
SOOS Due South database of upcoming expeditions
SOOS Ross Sea Working Group
SCAR Science & Research Groups
Ocean Motion Technologies - Ross Sea MPA
Silverfish - Research Consortium for Antarctica
National Science Foundation
• NSF Funding search
• Antarctic Sciences now has two different calls:
- Research not requiring field support (NSF 23-508) - rolling deadline
Support for early scientists
• OPP Postdoc Program (updated solicitation NSF 22-635)
NSF opportunities for networking
• Research Coordinated Networks (RCN), NSF 17-594
• Accelerating Research through International Network-to-Network Collaborations (AccelNet, NSF 21-511)
NSF Major Instrumentation and Infrastructure
• Major research Instrumentation Program (MRI), NSF 18-513,1M to 4M, see also here.
• MidScale Infrastructure – 1 (MidScale RI-1), NSF 21-505, <20M
• MidScale Infrastructure – 2 (MidScale RI-2), NSF 21-537, 20M to 100M
Science and Technology centers
• Science and Technology Centers: Integrative Partnerships, NSF- 22-521, 44M- 47M
• Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific Innovation (CSSI)
• Elements Awards: These awards target small groups that will create and deploy robust services for which there is a demonstrated need, and that will advance one or more significant areas of science and
Engineering. Contact Allen Pope ([email protected]), Polar Cyberinfrastructure Program Director.
International Funding
• Classic collaboration with international partners, the collaboration is included in an NSF proposal, the international partner writes a letter of collaboration. The international partner is funded by their own
funding agency.
• NSF has established bi-lateral funding agreements:
• NSF/GEO – UK NERC opportunity for collaborative proposals (DCL 16-132)
• NSF-DFG opportunity for Molecular and Cellular Biology (DCL 22-015)
• Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE), OISE’s focuses on three activities: (1) promoting the development of a globally competent U.S. workforce, (2) facilitating and supporting international partnerships and networks to leverage NSF and foreign resources, and (3) providing opportunities for U.S. leadership to shape the global science and engineering agenda.
Projects: MULTIPLIER, PIRE, IRES, AccelNet
• Partnerships for international Research and Education (PIRE), NSF 22-546, 1.5M for 3 years, contact Paul Raterron
• Horizon Europe, 2021-2027
NSF Partnerships
• A Landscape Study
• Computer and information Science and Engineering (CISE): support advanced cyberinfrastructure that enables and accelerates discovery and innovation across all science and engineering disciplines;
international Partnerships
Deadline: 6 February 2023
• Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)
NASA Funding Search
Cryospheric Sciences
Biological Diversity & Ecological Conservation
Other Potential Funding
Antarctic Wildlife Research Fund
Lenfest Ocean Program
Pew Charitable Trust’s Protecting Antarctica’s Southern Ocean
Pew Marine Fellows
IAATO Antarctic Fellowship (early career focused)
CCAMLR Scientific Scholarship Scheme (early career focused)
SCAR (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research) Fellowship (early career focused)
SCAR Ant-ICON/SC-ATS science-policy fellowship programme (early to mid-career focused, fellow will attend CCAMLR or the Antarctic Treaty meeting with the SCAR delegation)
Potential Logistical Support
Schmidt Ocean Institute New Vessel (vessel time)
Rev Ocean (Vessel time and technical support)
IAATO (International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators) Science Support
Potential Coordination & Collaboration
Southern Ocean United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
SOOS Due South database of upcoming expeditions
SOOS Ross Sea Working Group
SCAR Science & Research Groups
Ocean Motion Technologies - Ross Sea MPA
Silverfish - Research Consortium for Antarctica